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Jackson County Memorial Library

Summer Reading Important Info

Jackson County Memorial Library Summer Reading Program
“Adventure Begins at Your Library”

Important Information – Please Read Carefully

  1. Everyone is invited to join the Summer Reading Program, children to adults! Registration begins on Tuesday, May 28th and you can begin logging books read from that date forward.  No books read before this date can be counted toward the set goals! Registration will be in the library; participants will need to fill out the registration form and collect their badge (kids)/book (adults) logs.
  2. There is no deadline for registration, but understand the later you begin the program, the less time you have to meet the reading goal.
  3. Books do not have to come from the library, although we do highly encourage library checkouts for the program. Ebooks are also eligible for our reading challenge, but please use the hard copy page counts, not Kindle/Libby page counts. We suggest looking up the book on our card catalog, Amazon, or Goodreads to find a page count.
  4. You may also log audiobooks. You can use the same method as ebook page counts for audiobooks.
  5. We also ask that you please read only books on your reading level. We hope that by participating in our summer reading challenge, you are keeping the summer slide at bay and continuing to grow your mind. We won’t be checking each book you read, but we hope you honestly choose books that are equal to or will improve your reading proficiency.
  6. Our summer reading challenge is broken up into 4 reading groups:
    1. Casual Reader: 850 pages
      1. This is about 4 picture books per week, about 6-150 page JF chapter books all summer, or about 4 YA/F books all summer.
    2. Devoted Reader: 1250 pages
      1. This is about 6 picture books per week, about 9-150 page JF chapter books all summer, or about 5 YA/F books all summer.
    3. Extreme Reader: 2000 pages
      1. This is about 10 picture books per week, about 14-150 page JF chapter books all summer, or about 8 YA/F books all summer.
    4. Voracious Reader: 4000 pages
      1. This is about 20 picture books per week, about 27-150 page JF chapter books all summer, or about 16 YA/F books all summer.
    5. Each reading group has a set goal of the number of pages to read before the summer program’s end. You may choose which reading group to join – it is no longer based on age. We have calculated each group’s goal and outlined about how many books it would take to reach that goal within the 7 weeks of the program. While the goal may seem easy for some and difficult for others, we hope there is one group that is enough of a challenge that will help build reading skills but still have an enjoyable summer program.
    6. We will be once again using the ReaderZone app to log pages read. Unfortunately, this is the only way we will log pages read. We are happy to help anyone who may be unsure of using this app.
      1. If you have used ReaderZone in the past as part of our program, you can use your account login previously created. If you forgot your password, there is an option to reset it.
      2. If you are a new ReaderZone user, you will need an email address to create an account.
      3. You will receive the code to join our program when you register.
    7. ReaderZone does have a Book Bank to log books currently reading or completed. Please note: Logging books as completed in the Book Bank DOES NOT automatically log the pages read. YOU MUST ALSO LOG THE PAGES READ TO BE COUNTED.
    8. Once participants have met their goal, they may come by the library for a prize. The library will record all participants who have collected their prizes.
    9. Separately from the reading challenge, we will once again be doing the badge log to earn tickets for the grand prizes. At registration, you will receive your badge log, which is a list of activities and challenges to complete or attend throughout the summer to earn participation badges.  Each badge (sticker) will be worth 1 ticket to enter to win one of several grand prizes.  If participants earn all badges, they will be awarded 5 extra tickets.  Participants can choose which prizes to put their tickets toward. Participants are eligible to win only 1 prize.
      1. Bonus badges can be completed for additional tickets/prizes but are not a requirement to earn the extra 5 tickets.
      2. Adults – and teens, if they choose – will be given reading logs instead of badge logs. Each book read will earn 1 ticket to put toward the grand prizes. If they read 5 books, they will earn an extra 5 tickets.
        1. The bonus tickets can only be awarded once, no matter how many books over 5 participants read.
      3. Entry into the prize drawings does not guarantee you will win; it means you have a chance to win, and the odds of winning depend on how many others enter their tickets for a particular prize.
      4. The Summer Reading Challenge will end on Friday, July 12th. You will no longer be able to log books after that point to count towards your reading goal.
      5. Badge sheets and book logs must be turned in no later than Friday, July 19 to redeem for raffle tickets. It will be up to the participant to choose which prize to enter their raffle tickets for.
        1. If for any reason a participant will not be able to turn in their badge/book logs on or before Friday, July 19 must make arrangements prior to that date to collect their tickets at a different time. We will not accept late logs unless previously discussed with a librarian.
    10. Drawings for the grand prizes will be done prior to the Summer Reading Wrap-Up event on Friday, July 26 and winners will be notified after the drawing.